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Top 10 Female Rappers in Kenya

In Album Review, Entertainment
September 15, 2023

The Kenyan hip-hop scene has witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, and at the forefront of this revolution are incredibly talented female rappers. These artists have broken barriers, challenged stereotypes, and demonstrated their prowess in the male-dominated rap industry. In this article, we shine a spotlight on the ten best female rappers in Kenya who have been making waves and earning well-deserved recognition.

  1. Femi One: Femi One is undoubtedly one of Kenya’s most prominent female rappers. Known for her fierce lyricism and unwavering confidence, she has consistently delivered hard-hitting bars that address various social issues. Her track “Utawezana” featuring Mejja became a viral sensation, further solidifying her status in the industry.
  2. Muthoni Drummer Queen (MDQ): MDQ is not only a rapper but also a singer, percussionist, and all-around musical force. Her unique blend of rap and Afro-fusion has earned her international acclaim. Her versatility and ability to tackle diverse themes in her music make her a standout artist.
  3. Rosa Ree: Although she hails from Tanzania, Rosa Ree has made a significant impact on the Kenyan hip-hop scene. Her fiery delivery and unapologetic attitude have earned her respect and a dedicated fan base in Kenya.
  4. Wangeci: As mentioned earlier, Wangeci is a Kenyan rapper who has been making waves with her thought-provoking lyrics and dynamic flow. Her contribution to socially conscious rap has been pivotal in sparking important conversations in Kenya. She currently has a new album out, EMOTIONAL GANGSTER.
  5. Ssaru: Ssaru, known for her energetic style and catchy hooks, is a rising star in the Kenyan rap scene. Her tracks, such as “Cheki” and “Tunakubali,” have garnered significant attention and showcase her potential for greatness.
  6. Kadhalika: Kadhalika is known for her sharp wit and clever wordplay. Her tracks are a mix of insightful commentary and humor, making her a standout female rapper in Kenya’s competitive industry.
  7. Katalina: Katalina is an emerging talent whose unique approach to rap has gained her recognition. She addresses personal experiences, relationships, and societal issues in her music, making her relatable to a wide audience.
  8. Kush Tracey: Kush Tracey has been a prominent figure in the Kenyan music scene for several years. Her ability to blend rap with other musical styles like Afrobeat has made her a versatile artist.
  9. Bey T: Bey T is known for her poetic lyrics and smooth delivery. Her tracks often delve into introspective themes, showcasing her lyrical depth and storytelling abilities.
  10. Chemutai Sage: Chemutai Sage is a rapper, singer, and songwriter whose music combines elements of hip-hop, soul, and R&B. Her soothing yet impactful style sets her apart, and her lyrics often touch on personal experiences and empowerment.
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